Americans have been struggling with their weight for some time now. In fact, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services confirms that two-thirds of Americans are overweight, and there’s seemingly no limit to the amount of money being spent trying to lose excess weight and keep it off. And for good reason, as excess weight contributes to a variety of chronic health problems.
Fortunately, chiropractic treatment can help those struggling with their weight by supporting their efforts to reach long-term weight loss goals. This is important because when you carry extra weight, your body has to cope with the physiological demands in a variety of ways. You could find yourself with knee pain or chronic back pain from unnecessary pressure on the spine. The more weight you carry, the harder it is for your body to engage in physical activity without getting aches and pains that in turn, leads to avoiding activities, which then leads to gaining additional weight…so it’s a classic catch-22.
But with proper chiropractic care, areas of pain in the body are treated to help your movements become easier to perform as well as safer. So with the help of spinal adjustments, your range of motion can increase even as your posture and flexibility get better. Why? Because your spine is connected to all parts of your body, so adjustments help improve organ function (like your digestive system and thyroid). Adjustments also help your digestive system get the most out of your diet and help your body avoid pain so that you can exercise and be more active.
Of course, if you are seeking long-term weight loss, you will need to make lifestyle changes that you can adhere to, well, forever. Instead of drastic short-term changes to lose excess weight, you’ll want to adopt changes in your diet and exercise that you can continue once the weight is off. Ironically, it’s often easy to lose weight but keeping the weight off, can be a challenge unless the lifestyle changes are permanent.
As chiropractors, Dr. Dan Hendricks and Dr. Spencer Rollins are trained in overall health and wellness, specializing in chiropractic, massage, exercise therapy and spinal compression. We can help you make healthy, balanced changes in your lifestyle and support your body’s optimal function. If you are looking for a healthier way to achieve wellness, we invite you to consult with our experienced team at your earliest convenience at Health & Wellness Clinic in Layton, Utah. Please call 801-544-4333 today!