Approximately 60-percent of the human body is made up of the bones, nerves, muscles, and connective tissues. The musculoskeletal system is essential for natural mobility and performing the essential motions of daily life. Sometimes a small imbalance, strain, sprain or injury can have a profound effect on the entire system. This can cause discomfort, persistent pain and a decreased quality of life. If you find yourself in a situation like this, you might want to schedule an appointment at the Health and Wellness Clinic in Layton, Utah.
After a comprehensive chiropractic exam, which might include other diagnostics, our chiropractors Dr. Dan Hendricks and Dr. Spencer Rollins can work to develop an effective treatment strategy. This might include one or more chiropractic adjustments. Our chiropractors are well-versed and trained in a variety of techniques. Our procedures are designed to gently alter and adjust key structures of the musculoskeletal system. We use state-of-the-art methods such as precision computer-aided adjustments with the Pro-adjuster from Sigma Align. Corresponding techniques can be used to treat small children as well as large adults. After the adjustment, we might also give you rehabilitation exercises and basic stretches to maintain your health as well as recommend changes to your posture.
If you live in the Layton, Utah, area and you need quality chiropractic care, you should call 801-544-4333 to schedule an appointment at the Health and Wellness Clinic.