Whiplash tends to be one of the most common reasons that individuals seek chiropractic treatment. It is often a result of car accidents, though it can occur due to any movement that causes a rapid motion in the head and spine. Whiplash can lead to long-term consequences, especially when it isn’t treated properly. If you suspect that you have whiplash, you will need to ensure that you work with an expert chiropractor for the right treatment.
Visit your Chiropractor
Whenever you think you may be experiencing whiplash, it will be important to seek chiropractic treatment. Many people think that they are simply experiencing post-accident soreness and ignore the discomfort. However, this can allow your injury to escalate. By visiting our team at the Health & Wellness Clinic, you will be able to restore your comfort and prevent further injury. The right services can even expedite your recovery following your accident.
Understanding Whiplash
Whiplash is an injury that tends to occur when the spine and head have been forced to move back and forth in a rapid manner. When this occurs, it is likely that a substantial level of force will travel up through the spine. This force can then become trapped in the vertebrae, which is the main cause of the pain and injury following the event. Whiplash comes in many types of severity and can cause minor discomfort or even more serious injuries. It is important to both take the steps to avoid whiplash injuries, as well as have whiplash treated properly once you have experienced it. This will help you to keep yourself healthy and minimize your overall discomfort.
How Long Whiplash Lasts
There are many factors that will impact the duration of a whiplash injury. Due to this, there isn’t a set answer regarding how long whiplash will actually last. The duration will depend largely on the severity of the injury, as well as the specific case and individual. In more severe cases, it is possible for whiplash to last longer than a year. Most whiplash cases will tend to last anywhere between days to weeks after the event has created the injury. For more specific information regarding how long your individual whiplash case may last, it will be important to consult with our experts at the Health & Wellness Clinic.
Signs that you May Have Whiplash
Identifying whiplash is a key part in ensuring that you seek the appropriate treatment when necessary. In order to more effectively identify the presence of whiplash, it will be important to learn the signs and symptoms. Whiplash commonly manifests as stiffness or pain in the neck. Other signs of whiplash may include pain or discomfort in the upper back and arms. It may even cause the development of headaches, vertigo, and nausea. If you are experiencing these signs, especially following an auto accident, you will need to visit our office for the right diagnosis and treatment.
The Causes of Whiplash
Most people associate whiplash strictly with auto accidents. Though this tends to be the most common cause, it isn’t the only way in which whiplash can occur. This may prevent individuals with whiplash from seeking treatment because they haven’t recently been in an auto accident. Ultimately, whiplash can manifest after any event that has forced a rapid motion in the head and spine. Sports injuries, falling, or moving in an unnatural manner can cause whiplash. In any of these situations, it will be useful to seek thorough chiropractic treatment to provide the right treatment and care to restore your health and comfort.
Whiplash can be incredibly detrimental to your quality of life. You don’t have to simply live with the discomfort. In fact, many people believe that they just need to rest their muscles in order to restore their whiplash. This can have the opposite impact, however. Resting your muscles too much may cause them to weaken. This will simply lead to additional problems with the injury. Resting may be the best option, but it is essential to work with a chiropractor to determine the best course of action to take for your specific injury. If you have whiplash, you should schedule an appointment with our experts at the Health & Wellness Clinic to protect your health and restore your comfort.