The human body is a complex thing. We get our structure and mobility from the way our skeleton relates to our muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues. When a muscle or connective tissue is traumatized the recovery process can vary in treatment method as well as a time table.
Here at the Health and Wellness clinic in Layton, Utah, Dr. Hendricks DC, Dr. Rollins DC, and our therapeutic specialists can help develop an effective rehabilitation program for a wide range of Musculoskeletal injuries.
This can include work related injuries, automobile accidents, and athletic trauma. We do this by applying exercise therapy techniques and proven rehabilitation principles.
We often incorporate chiropractic treatments, with in-office therapy sessions which are complemented by an intuitive home exercise program tailored to each individual patient’s needs.
We often employ exercise rehab technology from an Active Therapeutic Movement machine. Also known as an ATM2, it has provided many of our patients with immediate and long-term relief of various musculoskeletal injuries. It often proves very helpful for treating neck and back pain problems.
If you are in the Layton, Utah, area and you need help rehabilitating from a musculoskeletal injury, you should call 801-544-4333 to schedule a consultation at the Health and Wellness Clinic.