Improving your posture can help relieve back and neck pain, keep your spine properly aligned, and help you look more put together. Posture is often something that many adults neglect and can cause problems down the road, if not corrected. Here are some small changes you can make to improve your posture.

1- Keep Your Head Level
Keeping your head level with the rest of your body can help keep the spine straight and tall. Thinking about keeping your head level with the rest of your body can also help you think more consciously about your posture during daily activities such as watching TV, washing dishes, reading, or cleaning.
Thinking about posture brings a big improvement since posture is often neglected. If you put more attention to your posture, you can start to notice what might be putting stress on your body, especially the back.
2- Wear Low Heeled And Comfortable Shoes
While heels can look great for special occasions, they are not great for your posture. The height of heels can throw off your balance and cause you to walk differently than you normally would. This can cause more stress on muscles and joints, thus harming your posture.
Higher heels also increase the weight and pressure on the forefoot. Extra high stilettos will force your center of gravity to the hips and cause unnatural curves in the lower back. If you are looking to improve your posture, ditch the high heels for the majority of your week.
3- Don’t Slump At Your Desk
If your job has you sitting at a desk, you can and should notice how you are sitting. The easiest thing to do is not to slump while working at the computer and typing. Some things that can help are to place your feet flat on the floor, relax your shoulders, and get up and take a walk every so often.
Slumping makes your spine curve in a bad way that can make your neck, back, and shoulders feel tense. Letting yourself relax while at work is important, but you can still improve your posture while feeling relaxed.

4- Beware Of Text Neck
In the age of cell phones and the constant need for connection, a common problem can arise from looking down at your phone, resulting in what is called a “text neck.” If you spend a lot of time on your phone, looking down can add lots of strain to your spine. You can lift your phone up higher and move your eyes to look and scroll, rather than your head.
5- Firm Mattress
A firm mattress helps to hold the shape of your spine which helps it to hold its natural shape throughout the day. If you typically sleep on your side, you can bend your knees slightly and keep a pillow under your head to keep it level with your spine. Back sleepers should lay flat on a firm mattress and opt for a small pillow placed under the neck.
6- Exercise And Tone
If you have a lot of extra weight on your belly, this can affect your back. Putting extra pressure on the back can make it hard for your muscles to support the spine. Proper exercise and toning of your abdominal muscles can help improve your posture. Keeping your spine straight and removing some pressure can keep your spine healthy.

Health And Wellness Chiropractic
Spinal and posture issues can lead to pain medication and even surgery. Practicing posture improvements and taking part in chiropractic treatment can help alleviate some muscle tension and improve the look and feel of your body.
Our chiropractors want to work with you to improve your quality of life. With over 25 years of combined experience, we serve over 12,000 patients in Layton, UT. We specialize in headaches, neck pain, back pain, and other joint conditions which can all come from improper posture.
Health and Wellness Chiropractic wants to help you achieve your goals and bring lasting benefits to your whole family. You can schedule a free consultation with either Dr. Daniel Hendricks or Dr. Spencer Rollins for your chiropractic needs.